Use this
Member Signup Form or the embedded form below to qualify for being one of the first NELA Shares Network cooperative members in the history of all humankind! Here are the monthly costs for different membership levels, not including potential additional hardware or security deposit requirements.
Benefits of Membership at each level:
$5 Voter Membership -
Gives you the individual right to vote on all major NELA-Shares cooperative concerns and the Board of Directors, and makes you eligible for a Board seat.
$15 Sharing Membership -
NELA-Shares voting rights for all household members age 16 or above, and early access to all neighbor sharing tools, including your own email address @NELA-Shares.Net.
$66 Network Membership -
All of the above with basic Internet access, as part of the community mesh network. Specific available Internet bandwidth and additional costs vary by address and added services (such as phone and TV)*.
Multiply by 11x for annual membership prepayment.
* The fastest and least expensive way to increase all services and network bandwidth is to have all your neighbors who share property borders join NELA-Shares as Network Members with you. Any low income qualifying neighbors may be eligible for NELA-Shares membership and hardware cost subsidies as they become available through member and partner nonprofit donations.